coming of age

Coming of age

Fantasy may be one of my favorite genres, but it is not all I read. One thing I love is an honest coming of age novel. I love the extreme emotions of it all, the akwardness, the angst, the excitment, and pain. Oh, and let’s not forget about the obsession with sex.

No matter how old I get (which is happening way too quickly) In my heart there is always a part of me who is still that weird sixteen year old girl desperate to fit in, but hasn’t a clue how.

Often in my writing, and I think this is true for many writers, I take my emotions, personality traits, thoughts and experiences and push them to the extreme.

I was recently challenged to get out of my comfort zone and this door in my head opened. It was an opportunity to do a few things I’ve wanted to do in awhile. I’ll be trying something in a young man’s point of view. I’ll be able to play around with all the angst and raw emotions that goes along with being a teenager.

Shit, I think there might even be a bit of romance. What the hell?

Of course there will be other, not of this world elements to make it even more interesting.

I don’t know if I can make it work, I never know if I can make anything work. I always write by the seat of my pants. Throw the spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks, or if it just makes a red sticky mess.